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The Illinois Gaming Commission is pursuing a substantial $5 million penalty against Accel Entertainment, a prominent entity in the video gaming industry. They are alleged to have bent the rules to bolster their business.

Apparently, Accel entered into an agreement with DraftKings, the well-known sports wagering platform. The arrangement? Accel would entice businesses to set up their video gaming terminals by offering them a portion of the earnings from new DraftKings subscribers. This type of “referral fee” structure is strictly forbidden under Illinois statutes, which prohibit incentivizing the growth of gambling.

Adding fuel to the fire, Accel holds sway over a considerable portion of the machines in the state, granting them significant leverage in the market. The Gaming Commission asserts that Accel was fully aware of their actions and that this entire plan was a calculated attempt to circumvent the law.

Accel, naturally, refutes any misconduct. They contend that as major, publicly traded corporations, both they and DraftKings possess extensive knowledge of the legal framework and would never intentionally violate regulations. They maintain that their operations are legitimate and adhere to all applicable rules.

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