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The competitive gaming landscape has witnessed explosive growth in the last ten years. Once a specialized pastime, it has transformed into a worldwide sensation, packing stadiums and captivating vast digital viewerships who cheer on their beloved competitors vying for substantial rewards. Moreover, the sector exhibits no indication of decelerating, with earnings anticipated to surpass 1.5 billion dollars by 2019.

This immense, largely unexplored potential is incredibly alluring to the wagering and gaming sectors, and numerous firms are seeking avenues to incorporate esports into their current operations. The Casino Esports Conference (CEC) endeavors to connect casinos with the esports realm, uniting these industries to determine the optimal approach to cater to both patrons and the gaming community.

Scheduled for September 7-8 at the Westgate Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, the event will showcase a blend of esports competitors, marketing professionals, software creators, event coordinators, legal experts, instructors, and naturally, delegates from the gambling sector. Through interactive sessions, a vibrant exhibition space, and live demonstrations, the conference aspires to establish the foundation for any wagering enterprise aiming to participate in the esports arena.

During the second week of September, Fox Marketing is organizing a conference with the goal of connecting the betting and esports sectors. This gathering, intended to uncover profitable collaborations between the two fields, will bring together a prestigious group of industry leaders. Participants can anticipate interacting with game creators, software and hardware vendors, esports wagering firms, legal professionals, casino representatives, and esports skill-based platforms – a valuable networking chance for all involved.

Elevating the significance of the event, several prominent figures in the industry will be presenting. Participants will hear insights from Carl Bennison, the head of the Nevada Gaming Control Board’s Enforcement Division; Robert Rippee, the Director of both the Hospitality Innovation Lab and the esports Lab at UNLV; Melissa Blau, a founding member of iGaming Capital and a prominent esports consultant and investor; Ian Smith, the Esports Integrity Commissioner; and Alex Ingleman, a seasoned gaming attorney and advisor with over two and a half decades of expertise in the gaming, technology, and entertainment industries.

The two-day conference commences with an esports introduction, ideal for those seeking a quick overview, followed by a panel discussion with legal specialists navigating the intricate regulatory environment. After the midday break, the emphasis shifts to marketing and revenue generation tactics within esports. The second day begins with a dynamic discussion on advertising in esports, followed by presentations of emerging games. Finally, the conference concludes with the Gameacon esports competition, accessible to the public for an engaging finale to the event.

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