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Key players in the Times Square area are throwing their support behind the suggested Caesars Palace development. A group of ten significant property holders in the famous district have officially backed the casino, highlighting the possible financial gains and increase in visitors. They are confident that a top-tier entertainment venue such as Caesars will breathe new life into the zone and strengthen Times Square’s standing as an international entertainment center. Notable backers include real estate powerhouses like RFR and Jamestown, who hold the view that the project will be advantageous for the whole city.

Thats the reason we’ve partnered with the Times Square Alliance to back the suggested entertainment complex at 1515 Broadway. Being one of the nearest stakeholders to the planned site, we’ve thoroughly evaluated the possible effects on our vicinity. The development will solely utilize eight levels of a 54-story structure. The more knowledge we acquired, the more we understood this is a superb chance to rejuvenate Times Square and deliver genuine advantages to those who reside and are employed here,” stated Marc Holliday, Chairman and CEO of SL Green.

He further noted that their occupants, a blend of eateries, modest enterprises, and Broadway participants, are poised to profit significantly from the heightened pedestrian activity and dynamism that Caesars Palace Times Square will generate.

Crucially, SL Green and Caesars have committed to allocating a segment of gaming proceeds back into the locality. This will finance enhanced safety measures, sanitation services, and traffic regulation within the zone.

A representative for the Times Square Alliance underscored the expanding backing for a novel entertainment destination in Times Square, remarking, “Two things have become exceedingly evident as our alliance has enlarged: there’s extensive public support for a new gaming venue in Times Square, and the present proposition for a fresh entertainment destination at 1515 Broadway will yield substantial favorable consequences for the community and the small businesses at the core of our district.”

The representative finished by saying, “We anticipate continuing our endeavors to create a tidier, more secure Times Square and to contributing to the destiny of the neighborhood we all desire to see endure as the Crossroads of the World.”

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