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Frances regulatory body for gambling, the ANJ, has voiced apprehension regarding a surge in what it perceives as forceful promotional strategies utilized by wagering firms, especially during the recent European Championship.

The ANJ is particularly worried about the focus on young adults and the widespread use of deceptive claims that imply winning money through gambling is simple. This worry is shared by the French populace, with a recent survey showing that over half of French grown-ups think there is an excess of gambling advertisements, and a striking 80% believe these promotions could contribute to dependency.

Drawing inspiration from other European countries that have already enacted stricter rules on betting promotions, the ANJ has initiated a public dialogue on the matter. This will continue through September and October, with the aim of collecting perspectives from all parties involved on the potential dangers linked to gambling advertisements, particularly in the domain of athletics. The dialogue will also investigate what instruments and regulations the ANJ could employ to tackle these issues.

Frances regulatory body for gaming, the ANJ, is initiating a period of open dialogue to explore methods for enhancing the protection of gambling’s “entertainment principle,” with a particular focus on young and at-risk individuals.

This extensive evaluation will encompass questionnaires, collaborative sessions, and discussions to collect perspectives from citizens, specialists, and industry representatives. The ANJ seeks to gauge the prevailing sentiment surrounding French gaming regulations and investigate potential modifications, especially in the realm of marketing.

The head of the ANJ, Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, stressed that gambling promotions reach a wide audience, encompassing both those who engage in and abstain from gambling, as well as parents and teachers. This consultation offers a forum for all viewpoints to be expressed on achieving an appropriate equilibrium between promotional activities and responsible gaming practices. Subsequently, the ANJ will utilize this input to put forth impactful and measured suggestions that reflect a societal accord on this significant matter.

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